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armpit hair造句

"armpit hair"是什么意思  
  • I don't think I even had armpit hair yet back then ."
  • Trichophilia may also involve facial hair, chest hair, pubic hair, armpit hair and animal fur.
  • The leg, chest and armpit hair remains.
  • Armpit hair serves the same purpose.
  • Ailatu is plucking his armpit hairs.
  • A trip to Euro Disney, where Minnie has armpit hair and smokes long cigarettes :'Zat is zo existential . "'
  • Islamic hygienical jurisprudence teaches that pubic and armpit hair must be pulled out or shaven to be considered as Sunnah.
  • And free armpit hair removal for women, to avoid that traitorous " French look " ( as in, hairy underarms ).
  • He feels around on his bald head, finds no more hair, then reaches under his shirt and pulls out an armpit hair.
  • A woman's armpits, armpit hair, and secretions can be seen as essential components of her femininity, whether this is positively or negatively valued.
  • It's difficult to see armpit hair in a sentence. 用armpit hair造句挺难的
  • Muslim teaching includes Islamic hygienical jurisprudence in which pubic and armpit hair must be pulled out or shaven to be considered as Sunnah.
  • Subsequently, the first young man makes the young woman's armpit hair attach itself to where his mouth would be on his face through gestures.
  • One woman was almost twice as tall as everyone else, another was pregnant, some had rolls of fat hanging out and some had armpit hair.
  • :: : : : When using an old shriveled bar of soap, it can break up, leaving me with solid chunks in my armpit hair.
  • Uninterested in stereotypical pretty roles, Gong said she preferred playing multi-faceted women, like the laidback, unpredictable female lead with unshaved armpit hair in " Love Fiction ".
  • A slow transition occurs focusing on the armpit hair of the young woman as she lies on the beach and a sea urchin at a sandy location.
  • On their next date, she behaves inappropriately, wears a ridiculous goose outfit, supposedly Bj鰎k's swan dress, and flaunts her fake excessive armpit hair to the public, embarrassing Jake.
  • Other great gotcha ! photos include Mel Gibson smiling, a gob of lettuce stuck to a front tooth and Julia Roberts waving to fans revealing a gob of armpit hair.
  • :As for the socks, maybe some fluff from the socks sticks to the roller, and acts as a mechanical lubricant, much in the same way as armpit hairs do, to reduce friction further.
  • Her second video was a big-budget video for the Tobi Neumman version of song " Set it Off, " in which she danced in a locker room and restrooms as her pubic and armpit hair grew to Rapunzel proportions.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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